The first workshop on the Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF), in Spain took place in 2012 in Girona, Spain. It was co-sponsored by Instituto Ben Pensante, founded by Daniel Alvarez Lama in Santiago de Compostela.
Below, the reader finds texts on the use of CDF (Marco Constructivo Evolutivo) in individual coaching written by Daniel Alvarez Lama between 2012 and 2015.
Since 2013, Otto Laske has taught a 4-day workshop on CDF at Academia Inpact, Santiago de Chile. The first two seminar days center on social-emotional, the last two on cognitive, coaching. This workshop is part of the renowned Inpact Coaching Program founded by Paul Anwandter, where it is referred to as the Pensamiento Dialectico Program.
Aportaciones al Coaching de la Obra de Otto Laske (2012)
Sobre el Marco Constructivo Evolutivo (Wikipedia 2013)
El Coaching para el Desarrollo (2014)
Precauciones sobre el Uso de la Teoría del Desarrollo Adulto (2014)