Laske Social Science Archive, Section VI: German Writings (2004-2019), Texts and Slides

The Laske Social Science Archive gathers Otto Laske’s writings on organizations written between 1999 and 2019, many of which have retained their value vis a vis new fashions of management thinking. Its sections are numbered chronologically. The Archive makes available both texts and slides, the latter for pedagogical purposes. The articles gathered are bundled according to topic. They can be downloaded free of charge.

Archive VI gathers articles as well as teaching slides, copyrighted and to be used accordingly.


2008 Anleitung zur kognitiven Prozessberatung

2010 Wirtschaftpsychologie

2012 Habecker MHD Bd. 1 Rezension

2012 Habecker, Jenseits aktiven Zuhoerens

2015 Der Mensch im Anthropozaen

Workshop Slides (Folien)

2004 [Folien] Unsichtbare Dimension

2006 [Folien] Humanpotenziale

2007a [Folien] Einleitung in das Entw. Coaching

2007b [Folien] Konstanz-Berlin Einleitung in das Entwicklungscoaching

2007c [Folien[ Luzern Persoenlichkeitspotenziale

2008 [Folien] Einleitung in das Entwicklungscoaching

2013 {Folien] Einfuehrung in Tiefes Denken

Eine Einleitung in dialektische Denkformen

2019 [Folien] Komplexes Denken Wien

Author: Otto Laske

I am the founder and director of IDM, the Interdevelopmental Institute. My background is in philosophy, psychology, consulting, and coaching based on developmental theory to which I have mightily contributed myself. See the blogs at