This program serves the sole purpose of deepening practical know-how of CDF by bringing together all of its three dimensions. Consequently, it presupposes both a social-emotional and cognitive case study as well as the ability to evaluate and give feedback on the outcome of the Need/Press Questionnaire. The program offers students the opportunity to show themselves and others that they have not only mastered “developmental theory”, but also know how to use it in practice. Writing a second case study involves: Completing a 1-hr social-emotional and 1-hr cognitive interview with a client other than the person engaged in Case Study I (a+b) Transcribing both interviews into English for discussion in the study cohort Evaluating the outcome of the psychological Need/Press Questionnaire Selecting from the social-emotional interview 15, from the cognitive interview 30 short fragments that appear to be structurally relevant for determining developmental profile Presenting a coding sheet of these fragments for each transcribed interview, to be evaluated by the cohort together with the instructor Submitting all materials required for written case study to the Director of Education Attending a feedback session with the Director of Education Giving full feedback to the client, both for self-insight and coaching Read... Read More...