Approfondire la conoscenza di sé e del cliente

The first workshop on CDF, the Constructive Developmental Framework, was held in Rome in 2011, carried out in collaboration with the Italian Society for Coaching Psychology (Ida Sirolli organizer).

In the texts below, Italian readers find teaching materials and commentary for learning CDF. Translations are by Marco Di Monte and Dr. Alessandro Rossi, both students of the Interdevelopmental Institute (IDM).

So far, attempts to bring knowledge of CDF into Italian organizations have failed despite a good understanding of humanistic approaches in Italy (manifest, e.g., in Marco Minghetti’s work).


Forme di Pensiero Dialettico (Sirolli 2011)

Sirolli’s translation of CDF slides for the Rome seminar is too large for upload.


Italian Wikipedia Articel on CDF (Di Monte 2012)


L’Interdevelopmental Institute (Di Monte 2012)


Introduzzione a CDF (Di Monte 2014)


Nuove Strutture di Pensiero (Rossi 2016)


Como Sviluppare Nuove Strutture di Pensiero (Rossi 2016)


A Methodology for Creating a Developmentally Aware Society (Laske 2016)

This text was written by Otto Laske as part of preparations for the seminar ‘sviluppare nuove strutture di pensiero’ (2016).


Author: Otto Laske

I am the founder and director of IDM, the Interdevelopmental Institute. My background is in philosophy, psychology, consulting, and coaching based on developmental theory to which I have mightily contributed myself. See the blogs at