Articles by Guests


Otto Laske Interdevelopmental Institute (IDM)
Creating Collaborative Intelligence

Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF) – Ungekürzter Wikipedia-Artikel

Von Bruno Frischherz – Das Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF) ist eine psychologische Entwicklungstheorie und das entsprechende Assessmentinstrument, das auf empirischer Forschung beruht. Der CDF-Methodologie liegt die Annahme zugrunde, dass jedes Individuum sich aktiv eine eigene “Welt” konstruiert, die von anderen Weltmodellen verschieden und lebenslang im Entstehen ist. Die CDF-Methodologie umfasst drei Assessmentinstrumente, je eines für...

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Dialectical thinking and comparative text analysis

By Karin Ulmer & Bruno Frischherz – Analyzing texts other than interview transcripts based on the DTF Framework taught at IDM is a new application of CDF. Our paper presents an example of dialectical text analysis with a focus on i) the analytical framework and CDF methodology and, as analysis content, ii) key concepts of...

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What can IDM offer the Integral movement?

This article explores how IDM’s teachings relate to “Integral” and specifically Wilber’s “AQAL” model. It further argues that an understanding of dialectical thinking as taught at IDM enables the learner to develop a critical perspective on Integral’s core doctrines.   What Can IDM Offer the Integral Movement

Work Capability and Adult Development – Wirtschaftspsychologie Themenheft

A collection of articles [mostly in English] on the Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF) by IDM Researchers, published on April 1, 2010, in Wirtschaftspsychologie, by Pabst Science Publisher. Download: Laske_ed_2010_Work_Capability_and_Adult_Development

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