What Coaches Should Know About Their Clients

This text highlights the main benefits of integrating research in adult development into executive coaching practice. Reading the text from a coaching point of view will be a first step to the practice of developmental coaching, with a focus on working withhigher level executives. The text refers to  CDF, the Constructive Development Framework. Introduction to Developmental Coaching for Executives   Read More...

Invitation for the workshop “Rewiring Team Dynamics: Building Collective Intelligence”

Dear IDM Friend, May I invite you to attend the International Workshop on Rewiring Team Dynamics: Building Collective Intelligence  in Mechelen (Belgium) from June 17th - June 19th . The way we work is changing. So is the nature of teamwork at all levels in the organization changing. The age of ‘command & control’ in teamwork is shifting towards a ‘collaborate & communicate’ approach. We all know that innovation and creativity mainly takes place in a collaborative context. Nevertheless teamwork remains for a lot of organizations a confounding mystery. Diversity is rarely used in the most effective way. Most of the team’s potential remains unlocked. Otto Laske and myself have developed an approach that reveals the principles by which we can unlock the potential of colleagues, that can release the creative potential of your organization. Building upon the Constructive Developmental Framework we have developed a set of tools both practical yet deep in wisdom. The Workshop ‘Rewiring Team Dynamics’ helps you practice ways by which to create collective intelligence and reveals the learnable art of thinking productively together. The workshop is based on a system of thought forms that help team members unravel their own resources for thinking in a... Read More...

How to become a Learning Organisation as a large Corporate

In this short video, I present a short introduction to CDF, the Constructive Developmental Framework, to show how its use enables large companies under siege coming from very small and nimble companies to fend off competition. I focus on CDF developed at the Interdevelopmental Institute,  as a tool for strengthening talent management and promoting better conversations in teams and throughout the corporate culture.   find out more about hte related Course: CDF as a business development tool Read More...

How I use CDF in executive selection and development

This article describes three practical uses of CDF in organisational consulting. The author acts a coach, mentor, and consultant to a variety of private and public sector clients.     How I use CDF – Nick Shannon Read More...

Dialectical thinking and comparative text analysis

By Karin Ulmer & Bruno Frischherz - Analyzing texts other than interview transcripts based on the DTF Framework taught at IDM is a new application of CDF. Our paper presents an example of dialectical text analysis with a focus on i) the analytical framework and CDF methodology and, as analysis content, ii) key concepts of green economy. Our article compares two institutional policy documents, one authored by the European Commission, and one by the United Nations Environmental Programme (produced in preparation to the UN Sustainable development Conference in Rio de Janeiro, July 2012. The methodology of dialectical text analysis Conclusions from the first part of this paper are that the CDF framework can be applied to written documents whatever topic they may deal with. The four classes of dialectical thought forms provide the analytical framework for measuring thinking processes documented in texts, while the four quadrants of integral theory provide a framework for seeing the world in terms of different perspectives. When we assume that each of the integral perspectives can be articulated in terms of the four quadrants of dialectic, we can determine the degree of dialectical sophistication with which each of the four integral perspectives is articulated in... Read More...