Invitation for the workshop “Rewiring Team Dynamics: Building Collective Intelligence”

Dear IDM Friend,

May I invite you to attend the International Workshop on Rewiring Team Dynamics: Building Collective Intelligence  in Mechelen (Belgium) from June 17th – June 19th .

The way we work is changing. So is the nature of teamwork at all levels in the organization changing. The age of ‘command & control’ in teamwork is shifting towards a ‘collaborate & communicate’ approach. We all know that innovation and creativity mainly takes place in a collaborative context. Nevertheless teamwork remains for a lot of organizations a confounding mystery. Diversity is rarely used in the most effective way. Most of the team’s potential remains unlocked.

Otto Laske and myself have developed an approach that reveals the principles by which we can unlock the potential of colleagues, that can release the creative potential of your organization. Building upon the Constructive Developmental Framework we have developed a set of tools both practical yet deep in wisdom. The Workshop ‘Rewiring Team Dynamics’ helps you practice ways by which to create collective intelligence and reveals the learnable art of thinking productively together. The workshop is based on a system of thought forms that help team members unravel their own resources for thinking in a provocative way.

Given its uniqueness, the workshop will take you on a fascinating journey, opening you mind for a completely different approach to empowering and leading teams. We will teach how teams can drastically improve their communication and collaborate to deliver breakthrough results.

The workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Otto Laske and myself. We will use case examples, mind opening dialogues, and powerful exercises to let you experience how ‘collective genius’ can be created. I hope to welcome you in Belgium. You can find more information on . You can also subscribe for the workshop by simple reply on this mail.


In short:

Subject: Rewiring Team Dynamics

Date: June 17th – 19th (3 days)

Where: Koningin Astridlaan 144, 2800 Mechelen (15 minutes from Brussels, capital of Europe)

Price: 2600 USD (travel and accommodation not included)


As a special bonus, participants in this workshop will receive a free pdf copy of a forthcoming short book on the framework used in the workshop, entitled “Dialectical thinking for integral leaders: A primer.

Kind regards,


Jan De Visch

Managing Director Connect & Transform

Executive Professor Human Capital Management Enterpreneurial MBA Flanders Business School (Association KU-Leuven)

Author: Otto Laske

I am the founder and director of IDM, the Interdevelopmental Institute. My background is in philosophy, psychology, consulting, and coaching based on developmental theory to which I have mightily contributed myself. See the blogs at