An Artificially Intelligent CDF Coach: Considerations regarding App-Based Executive Coaching

In this blog, I briefly sketch a coaching app based on CDF. I detail an elementary design of the app and outline its purpose, function, and main benefits.

Since learning CDF through workshops takes dedication and a level of concentration rare in present times, the blog suggests that:

(a). learning to build apps for CDF-based coaching may be the optimal and quickest way to learn CDF;

(b). since the majority of coaches is stuck in logic-based behavioral coaching, executives can expect a value-add from being coached based on the CDF-app designed in this  blog.

Of course, building such an app requires people who simultaneously have experience building apps as well as a strong interest in delivering quality coaching.

Two kinds of CDF workshops seem to be needed:

1. App-free: conventional, 2-4 day, workshops introducing students to the basics of CDF and providing opportunities for practicing developmental thinking with a client, also in preparation for building CDF-apps.

2. App-focused: a workshop geared directly to building a CDF-app.

The first kind of workshop focuses on learning to embody a “CDF-stance” and “persona”; the second kind, on bringing CDF basics into a programmable form and shaping them in terms of the requirements of the organizational environment in which it is meant to be deployed.

We look forward to seeing a basic proto-type built!

An Artifically Intelligent CDF Coach

Author: Otto Laske

I am the founder and director of IDM, the Interdevelopmental Institute. My background is in philosophy, psychology, consulting, and coaching based on developmental theory to which I have mightily contributed myself. See the blogs at

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