Cognitive Fluidity – Its Etymology and Nuance

By Brendan Cartmel - The following article takes an important step, in my view, toward clarifying the relationship of Laske’s Dialectical Thought Form Framework to discussions of “integral thinking” in the sense of Wilber and his students. The article points to the gaps in what is called “integral” thinking relative to DTF and further differentiates what is concretely happening in using dialectical thought forms (DTFs). Otto Laske Background to Terms Cognitive Fluidity is the generative mechanism unlocking human potential and driving the evolution of human functioning; so says evolutionary anthropologist Steve Mithven. Cognitive and Social Intelligence are subsequent products of our Cognitive Fluidity. Mithven’s Cognitive Fluidity has correlates with JL Moreno’s idea of Spontaneity and Creativity being the main forces forming the cosmos and fluidising our cognition. What then are the origins of, and the concepts we imply, when we use the term Fluidity? Fluidity & CDF Dialectic Fluidity is a key metric in Otto Laske’s Cognitive Developmental Framework (CDF) and a key factor when designing Inter-developmental (IDM) consultation and coaching strategy. If Dialectic Fluidity is so important in understanding cognitive potential, what do we imply when we use the term Fluidity? What is the source of the term and... Read More...

From Logical Thinking to Practical Wisdom: Developing your Thinking

By Otto Laske & Bruno Frischherz - The topic of the Seminar is dialectical thinking, its function in the cognitive development of adults, the view of “reality” it implies, the benefits it bestows on your own thinking, and the lack cultural resources to acquire it earlier in life. Together with Bruno Frischherz, Otto Laske discusses how dialectical thinking has been shown to develop and what are the tools it uses. We also discuss why learning it is beneficial for any professional, and what opportunities to acquire such thinking exist at the Interdevelopmental Institute. To the extent that members of the Integrales Forum, Germany, sign on, the seminar is also an opportunity to air questions about the relationship between dialectical and integral thinking. Date: March 15, 2013, 1 pm ET / 19h CET Download: presentation Read More...

What can IDM offer the Integral movement?

This article explores how IDM's teachings relate to "Integral" and specifically Wilber's "AQAL" model. It further argues that an understanding of dialectical thinking as taught at IDM enables the learner to develop a critical perspective on Integral's core doctrines.   What Can IDM Offer the Integral Movement Read More...