A Guide to Listening in Meetings Based on DTF

In this 2nd "inspiration session" regarding the book "Practices of Dynamic Collaboration", Jan De Visch and Otto Laske focus on what DTF, the Dialectical Thought Form Framework, can teach a person or group about enlarging and deepening their 'internal workplace' through thought-form based listening. Thought forms are shown to be more than simply conversation starters or analytical tools for understanding conversations. Their optimal use lies in real=time listening in a group or team environment. Thought forms are dynamic tools of dialogical thinking, in contrast to monological lists of patterns and text examples for grasping dialectic. The catch is: their use simultaneously teaches becoming aware of, and presupposes having become aware of, one's own dialectical movements-in-thought. In short: You have to like adventures. The set of slides below focus on team meetings (chapter 3 of the book) from the point of view of listening in real time; it teaches first steps in this direction made though text analysis of social-emotional and cognitive interviews. Inspiration Session 2 - August 19 2020 rev. OL   Read More...

A Conversation on Mentoring in Organizations Transitioning to a Less Hierarchical Culture

In this conversation with Paul Anwandter of INPACT, Santiago de Chile, in October 2018, we discuss the new landscape of mentoring that includes applying insights from research in adult development. We discuss the obstacles and failures but also the challenges of such mentoring in reference to a class on developmental coaching I teach at INPACT, a yearly event that concludes the INPACT coaching program. An important issue in the discussion is the difference between U.S. and South American organizational culture.   Read More...

From Logical Thinking to Practical Wisdom: Developing your Thinking

By Otto Laske & Bruno Frischherz - The topic of the Seminar is dialectical thinking, its function in the cognitive development of adults, the view of “reality” it implies, the benefits it bestows on your own thinking, and the lack cultural resources to acquire it earlier in life. Together with Bruno Frischherz, Otto Laske discusses how dialectical thinking has been shown to develop and what are the tools it uses. We also discuss why learning it is beneficial for any professional, and what opportunities to acquire such thinking exist at the Interdevelopmental Institute. To the extent that members of the Integrales Forum, Germany, sign on, the seminar is also an opportunity to air questions about the relationship between dialectical and integral thinking. Date: March 15, 2013, 1 pm ET / 19h CET Download: presentation Read More...