CDF Described in Japanese, Spanish, Italian, and German

in the four entries below, the reader finds four Wikipedia descriptions of CDF, the Constructive Developmental Framework, in Japanese, Spanish, Italian, and German, respectively.The English version of the Wikipedia article on CDF is found at: The original Wikipedia text, written in German, is  owed to Prof. Bruno Frischherz, Hochschule fuer Wirtschaft, Luzern, Switzerland. Nick Shannon, London, UK, translated the German version into English. The translations of the English version were made by my students Yohei Kato (Japan), Daniel Alvarez Lama (Spain), and Marco Di Monte (Italy). Matthias Lehmann, Germany, was the coordinator. While it is outwardly a suite of assessment instruments that support semi-structured social-emotional and cognitive interviewing in organizations, respectively, CDF is more than a methodology of research. It has developed into a consulting approach, a teaching approach, and a coaching approach, all of them favoring a dialogical over a monological strategy for working with clients, whether individuals or teams. CDF is therefore best viewed as a methodology for developmentally deepened process consultation in the sense of Edgar Schein's work. 構成主義的発達論のフレームワーク (Yohei Kato) CDF Wikipedia Article, Español (Daniel Alvarez Lama) CDF Wikipedia Italian (Marco Di Monte) CDF Wikipedia Article original  (Bruno Frischherz) *** Writings about CDF -- articles and... Read More...

How I use CDF in executive selection and development

This article describes three practical uses of CDF in organisational consulting. The author acts a coach, mentor, and consultant to a variety of private and public sector clients.     How I use CDF – Nick Shannon Read More...

What can IDM offer the Integral movement?

This article explores how IDM's teachings relate to "Integral" and specifically Wilber's "AQAL" model. It further argues that an understanding of dialectical thinking as taught at IDM enables the learner to develop a critical perspective on Integral's core doctrines.   What Can IDM Offer the Integral Movement Read More...