in the four entries below, the reader finds four Wikipedia descriptions of CDF, the Constructive Developmental Framework, in Japanese, Spanish, Italian, and German, respectively.The English version of the Wikipedia article on CDF is found at: The original Wikipedia text, written in German, is owed to Prof. Bruno Frischherz, Hochschule fuer Wirtschaft, Luzern, Switzerland. Nick Shannon, London, UK, translated the German version into English. The translations of the English version were made by my students Yohei Kato (Japan), Daniel Alvarez Lama (Spain), and Marco Di Monte (Italy). Matthias Lehmann, Germany, was the coordinator. While it is outwardly a suite of assessment instruments that support semi-structured social-emotional and cognitive interviewing in organizations, respectively, CDF is more than a methodology of research. It has developed into a consulting approach, a teaching approach, and a coaching approach, all of them favoring a dialogical over a monological strategy for working with clients, whether individuals or teams. CDF is therefore best viewed as a methodology for developmentally deepened process consultation in the sense of Edgar Schein's work. 構成主義的発達論のフレームワーク (Yohei Kato) CDF Wikipedia Article, Español (Daniel Alvarez Lama) CDF Wikipedia Italian (Marco Di Monte) CDF Wikipedia Article original (Bruno Frischherz) *** Writings about CDF -- articles and... Read More...
Tag: Bruno Frischherz
On the Practice of Cognitive Interviewing, Cognitive Coaching, and Text Analysis
Cognitive interviewing is an art as well as science nowhere taught or practiced today. It is a kind of evidence-based interviewing that is anchored in dialectical listening. In focus in such listening are the thought forms a person uses as soon as s(he) opens her mouth, which are thus inescapable. Only a listener/thinker schooled in DTF (or an equivalent frameworks of complex thinking) can catch them, for a wide variety of purposes ranging from consulting and coaching to political debate and the comparative analysis of texts. Thought forms reflect the structure of mind-in-action in dialog, which is the only medium in which mind is truly mind (rather than a kind of control system). As this implies, cognitive interviewing is dialogical, meaning that while witnessing an individual's or team's social-emotional and cognitive process in real time, it is simultaneously guiding these processes from a detached and critical point of view informed by being aware of thought forms. Thought forms are patterns that guide "movements-in-thought" as they spontaneously and often unconsciously arise. But instead of focusing on the content thought forms carry (the "What" of speech), dialectical attention remains focused on the thought forms themselves (the "How-it-is-thought" of speech). As a consequence,... Read More...
From AQAL to AQAT: Dialogue in an Integral Perspective
From AQAL to AQAT: Dialog in an Integral Perspective In this paper, presented at the 2014 Integral European Conference, Budapest, Prof. Bruno Frischherz compares with great clarity the methodological tools offered by Wilber's Integral Theory to those offered by Laske's CDF. The author shows that AQAL in its present form -- focusing only on I, We, and It(s) -- omits the category of You and, as a consequence, excludes the dialectic fundamental to engaging in dialog. The author also shows the lack of an ontological foundation of Integral Theory, accounting for its irrealism in the sense of Bhaskar, and thus shows it to be a continuation of the irrealism of western philosophy since Parmenides. He proposes a dialectical extension of AQAL called AQAT -- "all quadrants, all (CDF) thought forms" -- able to render the moves-in-thought naturally occurring in integral thinking but suppressed by Wilber. The paper stands as the clearest outline of AQAL as a purely formal logical theory with false pretensions to totalizing human experience. dialog_in_an_integral_perspective Read More...
From AQAL to AQAT: Dialog in an Integral Perspective
By Bruno Frischherz - The background of this paper is a longitudinal study in adult development that is based on the structured interviewing required for using Laske’s Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF). In what follows, I will compare the CDF methodology with methodological tools offered by Integral Theory. Integral theory provides a helpful starting point for the analysis of themes and perspectives. But I will argue that integral theory is unable to fully account for the category of YOU that is fundamental in every dialog. Dialog is crucial not only for private communication but equally for scientific research, both in and between disciplines, as well as for professional practice. Given the limitations of Integral Theory, I am proposing a dialectical extension for AQAL which I call AQAT, meaning All Quadrants – All (dialectical) thought forms (context, process, relation, transformation). Download: Frischherz_2014_dialog_in_an_integral_perspective Read More...
Dialektische Textanalyse und Textentwicklung. Teil I
Von Bruno Frischherz - Die Dialektik hat als Kunst der Gesprächsführung und als philosophischer Denkansatz eine lange Tradition. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt, wie sich dialektisches Denken auch für die Analyse und Entwicklung von Texten nutzen lässt. Dialektische Textanalyse und Textentwicklung eignet sich insbesondere für Konzept- und Strategiepapiere, die einen hohen Anteil an abstrakter Denkarbeit verlangen. Der Schwerpunkt des ersten Teils des Beitrags liegt auf der dialektischen Textanalyse und ihrer Anwendung auf Strategiepapiere zur Green Economy. Die wichtigsten Werkzeuge der dialektischen Textanalyse sind die vier Klassen von dialektischen Denkformen, nämlich Kontext, Prozess, Relation und Transformation. Die dialektische Textanalyse erlaubt es, Denkformen in Texten zu beschreiben, zu messen und verschiedene Texte miteinander zu vergleichen. Die Textanalyse zeigt Stärken und Schwächen der Strategiepapiere aus dialektischer Sicht wie zum Beispiel Einseitigkeiten bei den Denkformen oder thematische Absenzen. Download: Frischherz_2013_Dialektische_Textanalyse_Teil_1 Read More...
Dialektische Textanalyse und Textentwicklung. Teil II
Von Bruno Frischherz - Die Dialektik hat als Kunst der Gesprächsführung und als philosophischer Denkansatz eine lange Tradition. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt, wie sich dialektisches Denken auch für die Analyse und Entwicklung von Texten nutzen lässt. Dialektische Textanalyse und Textentwicklung eignet sich insbesondere für Konzept- und Strategiepapiere, die einen hohen Anteil an abstrakter Denkarbeit verlangen. Der Schwerpunkt des zweiten Teils des Beitrags liegt auf der dialektischen Textentwicklung und ihrer Anwendung bei der Entwicklung eines E-Learning-Konzeptes für eine Fachhochschule. Das Modell der dialektischen Textanalyse lässt sich auch für die systematische Textentwicklung nutzen. Das Modell hilft, verschiedene Aspekte eines Themas systematisch nach inhaltlichen Kriterien und dialektischen Denkformen zu erhellen und schliesslich zu einer handlungsorientierten Synthese zu führen. Die dialektische Textanalyse und Textentwicklung stellt der angewandten Linguistik ein neues methodisches Instrumentarium zur Analyse und zur Synthese von Texten zur Verfügung. Download: Frischherz_2013_Dialektische_Textanalyse_Teil_2 Read More...