Review of De Visch’s “Mind(s) Creating Value”

J. De Visch's Leadership-- Mind(s) Creating Value J. De Visch's Leadership-- Mind(s) Creating Value Jan DeVisch continues to plow the depth of dialectical thinking to restructure and refine corporate conversations. This writer is excellently prepared for the task, since his professional career has long been focused on issues of global concern both for and regarding large organizations. Read More...

From Logical Thinking to Practical Wisdom: Developing your Thinking

By Otto Laske & Bruno Frischherz - The topic of the Seminar is dialectical thinking, its function in the cognitive development of adults, the view of “reality” it implies, the benefits it bestows on your own thinking, and the lack cultural resources to acquire it earlier in life. Together with Bruno Frischherz, Otto Laske discusses how dialectical thinking has been shown to develop and what are the tools it uses. We also discuss why learning it is beneficial for any professional, and what opportunities to acquire such thinking exist at the Interdevelopmental Institute. To the extent that members of the Integrales Forum, Germany, sign on, the seminar is also an opportunity to air questions about the relationship between dialectical and integral thinking. Date: March 15, 2013, 1 pm ET / 19h CET Download: presentation Read More...

Autonomy of the Cognitive Line

This article shows dialectical thinking to be a natural outcome of cognitive development, surpassing formal logical thinking in its scope, degree of complexity, and holism. “Good thinking” is understood as thinking aware of its own thought form structure. This view is further substantiated by discussing the three strands of adult development including epistemic position. Integral thinking is seen as failing to maintain preservative negation because of privileging breadth-first over depth-first search. Autonomy_of_the_cognitive_line   Read More...

Work Capability and Adult Development – Wirtschaftspsychologie Themenheft

A collection of articles [mostly in English] on the Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF) by IDM Researchers, published on April 1, 2010, in Wirtschaftspsychologie, by Pabst Science Publisher. Download: Laske_ed_2010_Work_Capability_and_Adult_Development Read More...

How Much Do You Care to Know About Your Client?

Dr. Otto Laske's Keynote Address to the International Coaching Community Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2009. The keynote introduces behavioral coaches to developmental theory and thinking. The 2-hr keynote comprises exercises for the audience and puts the emphasis on the cognitive development of coaches and clients. Download presentation Read More...