Effective Team Coaching: Juggling Personalities and Roles

Teams are usually viewed as "flat", disregarding that each of their members is active on a specific level of accountability associated with a specific universe of discourse. What team members are thinking and saying is thus not determined not only by their developmental size of person, but also by the size of their organizational role, and their understanding of the relationship between the two. A team coach or team leader who is disregarding this fact is going to be less effective that s(he) could be. In this webinar, Otto Laske outlines a typology of teams in which both team members' size of person and size of role receive due attention. Read More...

How to cope with cognitive differences in circles (teams)?

This video addresses crucial issues in how to re-organize work so that individuals can deliver work in flexible role systems based on their talent. The notion put forward is that to create organizations following the model of lean and mean start ups will not do away with but will increase the requirement of deep, dialectical thinking. A few major pointers to the required structure of thinking are offered. Read More...

How to become a Learning Organisation as a large Corporate

In this short video, I present a short introduction to CDF, the Constructive Developmental Framework, to show how its use enables large companies under siege coming from very small and nimble companies to fend off competition. I focus on CDF developed at the Interdevelopmental Institute,  as a tool for strengthening talent management and promoting better conversations in teams and throughout the corporate culture.   find out more about hte related Course: CDF as a business development tool Read More...

Introduction to Cognitive Growth: a possible journey from age 25-100

In this short video I give listeners some examples of differences in phase of cognitive development individuals are typically in. My goal is to sensitize listeners to asking "where am I myself presently as to the structure of my thinking, and how does this determine the world I am seeing as real?" Read More...

What is the Constructive Developmental Framework?

Otto Laske gives you an overview of the Constructive Developmental Framework CDF and offers a few examples of how it can be used for self-awareness and personal growth. The emphasis in the video is that when we speak and relate to others, we are already embedded in a "frame of reference", and that this frame develops over the entire life span. That means that, in a way, we are sitting in a cave, without our knowing, unless we decide to explore the cave. Read More...