How to cope with cognitive differences in circles (teams)?

This video addresses crucial issues in how to re-organize work so that individuals can deliver work in flexible role systems based on their talent. The notion put forward is that to create organizations following the model of lean and mean start ups will not do away with but will increase the requirement of deep, dialectical thinking. A few major pointers to the required structure of thinking are offered. Read More...

Short Characterization of the CDF-Based Coaching Methodology

This short article describes what makes CDF-based coaching unique and makes it different from other coaching approaches. The CDF-based coach training method enriches approaches based on theories of adult learning by insights and practices derived from theories of adult development over the lifespan (1975-1995). CDF further enriches theories of adult development by insights derived from Critical Theory elaborated at the Frankfurt School between 1945 and 1975. Researchers of adult learning and development have only just begun to talk to each other, so that a synthesis of the two lies in the more or less distant future. The main result of including in coaching techniques of Critical Theory (Adorno) is that the emphasis of CDF-training is on the coach, not the client, in particular the coach as a “critical, deep thinker” who can guide the client’s adult development, fully aware of the client’s present developmental profile. Learning and development are seen in CDF as entirely different. “Learning” is accumulation of knowledge and experience over time (measured by horizontal snapshots at a particular time point), while “development” is a discontinuous deepening of meaning making and thinking across individuals’ entire lifespan (measured longitudinally, across time, through structured interview). Whereas adult learning approaches are... Read More...

How to become a Learning Organisation as a large Corporate

In this short video, I present a short introduction to CDF, the Constructive Developmental Framework, to show how its use enables large companies under siege coming from very small and nimble companies to fend off competition. I focus on CDF developed at the Interdevelopmental Institute,  as a tool for strengthening talent management and promoting better conversations in teams and throughout the corporate culture.   find out more about hte related Course: CDF as a business development tool Read More...

How Do You Teach Your Client to Think Developmentally?

The article is based on a dialog between a mentor and a behavioral coach who desires to learn to think developmentally. After an introduction on coaching focused on clients’ Frame of Reference, the four individual dialogs deal with the three aspects of human capability, the nature of developmental scores, the nature of behavioral “need-press” scores, and the synthesis of CDF data for use in coaching practice. Laske 2007 Mentoring a Behavioral Coach to  Think Developmentally   Read More...

CDF Works on Many Levels

In this short post, I want to draw attention to the fact that what we call CDF -- short for Constructive Developmental Framework (see Wiki) -- is a multilevel methodology, not only a methodology comprising three interrelated modules. What I mean by that is that a CDF user can use this methodology on at least four levels if not more: 1. The real-time interviewing and assessment level 2. The scoring, interpretation, and feedback level 3. The role design level 4. The human-capital level where CDF is a decision theory, both practical and teachable, regarding what is the requisite match between contributors' developmental profile (size of person) and their accountability level (size of role). Up to now, CDF has mainly been taught at the first two levels, under the label of "case studies". These are focused on individual contributors and team members. Jan De Visch has developed theories about the role design level, spelled out in his two books, especially in "Minds Creating Value" (2014, see I find level 1 highly important because at this level CDF functions in real-time, and what it un-earthes through interviews are DTF generative mechanisms creating movements-in- thought. This is the level of dialog, and... Read More...

Introduction to Cognitive Growth: a possible journey from age 25-100

In this short video I give listeners some examples of differences in phase of cognitive development individuals are typically in. My goal is to sensitize listeners to asking "where am I myself presently as to the structure of my thinking, and how does this determine the world I am seeing as real?" Read More...