Team Development


Otto Laske Interdevelopmental Institute (IDM)
Creating Collaborative Intelligence

What is CDF: An Introduction for Beginners

This article introduces to the Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF), addressing those readers who want to learn to use the methodology. CDF is seen as a comprehensive framework for consulting and coaching, much like NLP, but on a higher level of consciousness. Its main intellectual strength lies in establishing a methodology for the deconstruction, through dialog,...

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Effective Team Coaching: Juggling Personalities and Roles

Teams are usually viewed as “flat”, disregarding that each of their members is active on a specific level of accountability associated with a specific universe of discourse. What team members are thinking and saying is thus not determined not only by their developmental size of person, but also by the size of their organizational role,...

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Coaching Goes Developmental

For a long time, there was only coaching focused on client’s behavior, not mnd-set, but this is changing. The International Coaching Community (ICC), in collaboration with the Interdevelopmental Institutee (IDM) is starting an introductory course on evidence based coaching based on research in adult development. This gives experienced coaches the opportunity to build a niche...

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Buchbesprechung von Otto Laske’s “Dialectical Thinking for Integral Leaders: A Primer”

Buchbesprechung Otto Laske, Dialectical Thinking For Integral Leaders: A Primer Integral Publishers, ISBN 978-0-9904419-9-1, 2015 (June) Zusammenfassung In dieser Buchbesprechung hebt Michael Habecker die wesentlichen Gedanken eines jeden Kapitels des obigen Buches heraus und schafft dadurch eine klare Zusammenfassung der Intentionen von Otto Laske. Michael Habecker Das neue Buch von Otto Laske, als eine Zusammenfassung...

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Press Release for Otto Laske’s New Book “Dialectical Thinking for Integral Leaders: A Primer”

To appear in July 2015 at Integral Publishers Integral Publishers (integralpublishers.com) and Otto Laske, Director of the Interdevelopmental Institute (www.interdevelopmentals.org), have joined forces in order to publish a book demonstrating by examples how leaders of large forums, organizations, institutions and board of directors can quickly acquire patterns of thinking that hinder them from getting stuck...

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How to cope with cognitive differences in circles (teams)?

This video addresses crucial issues in how to re-organize work so that individuals can deliver work in flexible role systems based on their talent. The notion put forward is that to create organizations following the model of lean and mean start ups will not do away with but will increase the requirement of deep, dialectical...

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