Deep Thinking


Otto Laske Interdevelopmental Institute (IDM)
Creating Collaborative Intelligence

Living through four eras of cognitive development

This article is based on my research in adult cognitive development, published in Laske 2008 and 2015. It reminds the reader that his/her thinking undergoes life-long changes that have a dramatic impact on work effectiveness and quality of life, especially the latter. The notion that there are no changes in thinking after early adulthood is...

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Merging Behavioral and Developmental Practices: An Integral Framework for Deep Listening and Thinking

In this paper, the authors (Otto Laske, Alessandro Rossi) lay out a practical approach to integral counseling (part A) and consulting to teams (part B), based on the Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF). The main topic is how to combine interventions for strengthening developmental level and cognitive fluidity, seen as intrinsically related as well as mingled...

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From AQAL to AQAT: Dialogue in an Integral Perspective

From AQAL to AQAT: Dialog in an Integral Perspective In this paper, presented at the 2014 Integral European Conference, Budapest, Prof. Bruno Frischherz compares with great clarity the methodological tools offered by Wilber’s Integral Theory to those offered by Laske’s CDF.  The author shows that AQAL in its present form — focusing only on I,...

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A Developmental Agenda of Concrete Utopianism: Culture Transformation in the Anthropocene

This text by Otto Laske and Alessandro Rossi describes the use of the Constructive Developmental Framework as a culture transformation instrument. Pragmatic implementations of CDF are geared to strengthening dialectical thinking in groups, teams, committees, and coalitions, whether commercial, academic, political, or educational, with an eye on increasing collaborative intelligence. The focus of such work...

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Russian research on dialectical thinking in children — Developing self-authored thinking

In the dialectic-starved West we tend to blindly follow formal logical thinking to the bitter end (e.g., global warming). However, there are alternatives, especially when one becomes informed by the work of Vygotsky, Piaget, Adorno, and Bhaskar, and the empirical work of Basseches and Laske. In the article here posted psychologist Veraksa et al. report...

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DTF as a Tool for Creating Integral Collaborations

Solving real world problems tests professionals’ present level of cognitive development. A good training ground for working on hard problems in teams is the Case Study Cohort Method (CSCM) developed at the Interdevelopmental Institute. The method consists of a having members of a team assessing an individual’s or team’s level of cognitive maturity debate the...

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