Team collaboration has become a pivot of organizational success. If people had an intuitive awareness of the structure of their thinking, team work would be a lot more effective since a greater mutual understanding and decision making would prevail. Such an awareness being absent, what meta-cognitive strategies can we use to heighten such an awareness? As the book 'Practices of Dynamic Collaboration' shows, a very effective strategy consists of intentionally listening and speaking based on dialectical 'thought forms'. Discover how the collaborative intelligence paradigm derived from Laske's Dialectical Thought Form Framework works when applied in five crucial organizational practices seen as dialogue practices. Sign up for partaking of introductory sessions on team dialogue practices at: Also view literature links at , Section A, and pertinent teaching materials in Section B. For IDM Services, go to Read More...
Tag: Deep Thinking
Laske Social Science Archive, Section V: Writings (2015-2019) on DTF, the Dialectical Thought Form Framework
The Laske Social Science Archive gathers Otto Laske’s writings on organizations written between 1999 and 2019, many of which have retained their value vis a vis new fashions of management thinking. Its sections are numbered chronologically. The Archive makes available both texts and slides, the latter for pedagogical purposes. The articles gathered are bundled according to topic. They can be downloaded free of charge. Archive V gathers articles written DTF-based dialectical thinking as the developmental peak of adult cognitive development, seen from the ontological perspective of Roy Bhaskar's work on 'Dialectic: The Pulse of Freedom' (1993). The emphasis in these writings falls on the intrinsic relatedness of 'dialectical' and 'dialogical' thinking and the hypothesis that speaking in real time makes ontological truth claims regarding how the real world works (rather than being a mere behavioral activity). These articles pave the way from monological and logical to dialogical and dialectical thinking, for purposes far beyond organizational management. Cognitive assessment through case studies is seen as the royal road to mastery of critical facilitation in teams and social forums more generally. 2015 Creating Integral Collaborations 2016a An Integral Epistemology 2016c Dialectic Interpreted in the Logic of Commerce 2016e Laske on Bhaskar 2017a... Read More...
Grundlagen potenzial-orientierter Unternehmen: Einleitung in Dialektisches Denken in Organisationen
Attached to this blog, the reader will find a set of slides presented in a workshop held in Vienna, Austria, in February of 2019, for a company called Four Dimensions Consulting. It was the purpose of the workshop to introduce a German-speaking audience to the cognitive-developmental dimension of organizational work, especially team work. The workshop introduced participants to methods of cognitive interviewing associated with DTF, Laske's Dialectical Thought Form Framework of 2008. The focus of the workshop was shedding light on the close interweaving of the social-emotional and cognitive strands of adult development over the life span. The immediate pragmatic focus was assistance in learning about the four moments of dialectic and their associated thought forms. The workshop's Table of Contents is the following: Einstimmung • Einleitung in das Entwicklungsdenken • Teil Eins : Die interne Struktur von Humankapital • Teil Zwei : Im dialektischen Denkformrahmen arbeiten • Teil Drei : Methodologische Grundlagen des kognitiven Interviews • Teil Vier : Einfuehrung in die Praxis des kognitiven Interviews • Anhang A: Die vier Manager • Anhang B: Dialektik in Bildern erkennen Kurze Bibliographie Komplexes Denken Wien def3 2019 Read More...
Cognitive Coaching as a Tool for Building Enabling Environments in Distributed-Leadership Organizations: An Introduction to the Dialectical Thought Form Framework (DTF)
In the set of slides attached to this blog, the reader finds my presentation on cognitive coaching of January 2019, presented to a London consulting firm, MDV. The purpose of my workshop was to teach consultants a new form of developmental assessment and, based on it, of developmental thinking that is increasingly in demand in distributed-leadership organizations striving to become self-organizing. The workshop's distinct purpose was to contribute to augmenting the quality of team dialogue, as well as of critical facilitation of team dialogue, by scrutinizing the dialectical structure of human movements-in-thought, both in life and at work. The Table of Contents of the presentation is as follows: 1. The New Coaching Environment 2. Resources for Developmental Coaching 3. Essentials of Team Coaching 4. The Mental Space of Coaching in the Three Houses 5. Overview of Cognitive Coaching Tools Provided by DTF 6. A Developmental Look at Organizations 7. Exercises: The Three Managers 8. The Art and Science of Cognitive Interviewing 9. Appendix: Thought Form Tables 10. Short Bibliography. Cognitive Coaching London def 2019 Read More...
New Book by Jan De Visch and Otto Laske: Practices of Dynamic Collaboration
In this new book to be published by Springer in the Spring of 2020, the authors deepen insights shared in 'Dynamic Collaboration' (2018) focusing on the adult-developmental foundations of 5 crucial organizational practices. A brief outline of the structure and content of the new book is posted below, together with pertinent contact information. The central topic of the book is how by strengthening the quality of team dialogue at three different developmental levels -- continuous improvement, value stream management, and business model transformation -- companies can increase their agility and integrate artificial intelligence methods into their functioning. In the concluding chapter, the hypothesis is advanced that to become 'humane', organizations need to be 'deliberately developmental' throughout to begin with. This entails that they need to resolve the Taylorism-inspired worker/IT dichotomy they have been living with and acting up since 1900. The book is in 7 chapters, each of them outlined in its content below. Parties interested in the book may contact the authors as indicated in the pdf below. High-level summary of Springer 'Practices' rev3 OL Read More...
How to teach managers to think: A testimony
In this article, Jan De Visch reviews experiences he has made as a Critical Facilitator when working with teams in organizations (see his work at Jan's gift of deep thinking makes him a very good listener who can intervene in team conversations because he "hears" and "understands" their thought form structure in the sense of DTF, Laske's Dialectical Thought Form Framework (2008). Based on his consulting experience combining both social-emotional and cognitive interventions, Jan is presently building an App in the domain of performance review centered on defining team roles realistically, in line with strategic objectives. He expands such reviews into deep thinking dialogues involving, first, a 'problem owner', and then an entire team, all of whom are changed in the process of reflection he triggers in them. Many managers conceive of thinking as a kind of 'information processing', believing that better thinking consists merely of deleting logical errors. Jan's blog shows that that view of thinking is very limited, and why. JDV - How do you teach managers to think V3 Read More...