Fuehrungsvorteile aufgrund der Benutzung von CDF, des Constructive Developmental Framework

Obwohl das Programm des diesjaehrigen Wiener Leadership Kongresses () keine Einfuehrung in CDF -- das Constructive Developmental Framework --umfasst, werden viele Kongressteilnehmer die sich aus der Benutzung von CDF ergebenden Fuehrungsvorteile wahrscheinlich kennenlernen wollen. CDF ist eine von Otto Laske erstellte Synthese von Forschungsbefunden der Harvardschule hinsichtlich Erwachsenenentwicklung seit 1975, die Dimensionen des kritischen Denkens der Frankfurter Schule mit denen des dialektischen Denkens von Roy Bhaskar verbindet.  Diese Methodologie ist seit dem Jahre 2000 am IDM, dem Interdeveopmental Institute, internationalen Studentengruppen in der Form von Zertifikatskursen angeboten worden. Sie wird heute von Otto Laske vorwiegend in der Unternehmungsberatung mit Fokus auf collaborative intelligence in teams  und neue Konzeptionen von 'human capital' eingesetzt. Der Leser findet unten (in downloadable form) eine kurze Auflistung von Vorteilen, die sich aus der organizationsweiten Benutzung von CDF ergeben, der auch eine kurze historische Vignette ueber die Entstehung von CDF beigefuegt ist. Geschaeftsvorteile und Anlass von CDF Read More...

A Meeting of Minds Workshop on the Future of Work

The future of work is not a topic for logical thinking as much as it is one for revamping logical into complex, 'dialectical', thinking. The difference between the two is explained and exercised in a workshop in Brussels whose program can be downloaded here. If interested in this workshop, held on January 18, 2019, near Brussels, write to [email protected], my co-author of a book on collaborative intelligence of teams entitled "Dynamic Collaboration" (2018). In the downloadable attachment, the program is commented upon from a dialectical-thinking point of view by Otto Laske. Program Jan 18 2019 Brussels Read More...

Early Warnings that Competence Models Would Not Sustain Survival or Innovation

In these two articles of 2002/03, I warned that competence models provide a view of human resources that is too limited to make possible organizational survival, not to speak of innovation, in the digital economy. The two articles below remind us how long it took for this message to sink in. In coaching and mentoring, the message is still kept in abeyance, however neurolinguistically dressed up they now present themselves. 2002_Laske_Otto_Human_Resources_Beyond_Domain_Competence 2003_Laske_Otto_Capability: A_New_Data_Type Read More...

How Teams Works: A Straightforward Developmental Hypothesis

Much is made of teams these days, and rightfully so: they are the backbone of putting in place distributed leadership in organizations. New research offers a very straightforward hypothesis consisting of 3 parts: teams comprise different developmental levels, thus are "developmentally mixed" teams 'think': their work is based on analyzable and coachable movements-in-thought teams follow behavioral needs (and associated pressures on them) that are anchored in the psychological profile -- self concept, approach to tasks, emotional intelligence -- of their individual members. teams' 'meaning making' is more strongly "social" than "emotional", compared to individuals, and thus more strongly intertwined with the fluidity of their cognitive functioning. When you put these seemingly simple pieces together, as Jan De Visch and I have done in our recent book entitled "Dynamic Collaboration" found at --  you reap very sophisticated insights not only into how teams function but also into what you can do to make them work better. Read More...

A New Paradigm of Team Work: Engaging the Power of Dialog

In this article forthcoming in the Integral Leadership Review in May, 2018, Jan De Visch and Otto Laske give examples of the benefits of focusing on complex dialogical thinking in leading and coaching teams, regardless of the specific topic a team is addressing. Their developmentally informed strategy of team intervention is based on insights deriving from working with DTF, Laske's Dialectical Thought Form Framework (2008). DTF sheds light on, as well as delivers cutting-edge tools for, turning around team collaboration in the direction of an upward spiral. The article is a review of the authors' book entitled "Dynamic Collaboration: Strengthening Self-Organization and Collaborative Intelligence in Teams". The book is the first to fully incorporate findings about adult development over the life span into the literature on teams, and in this sense pioneering. Review of "Dynamic Collaboration: Strengthening Self-Organization and Collaborative Intelligence in Teams" (De Visch & Laske 2018) For an introduction to the book click on Introduction-to-Dynamic-Collaboration. The book can be ordered at https://connecttransform.be/dynamic-collaboration/   For a summary of the most important topics and insights of the book see below:  Perspex Scenes Template (copy) on Biteable. Read More...

Thinking Differently About Teams: A New Book by Jan De Visch & Otto Laske (June 2018)

For the longest time, teams have been managed, as well as researched, based exclusively on behaviorist tenets: the notion that by focusing on how team members "behave", their collaboration can be made more effective, even 'self authoring', or whatever the latest fad dictated. For the same long time, managers have spoken rather than listened, and if they listened, they only listened to the content of what team members were saying, -- rather than to the structure of team members' thinking, as well as their own, on which speaking is based. What is more, teams have been addressed only by way of purely logical thinking that turns whatever it encounters into an inert object (rather than acknowledging it as a living entity). As a result, the meaning of team work has been driven out of it, and only what team work descriptively "is" has remained standing, yielding predictably shallow team interventions. To change this counter-productive state of affairs is the purpose of Jan and Otto's book, entitled Dynamic Collaboration: Strengthening Self-Organization and Collaborative Intelligence in Teams (ConnectTransform & IDM Press 2018). They succeed at this by demonstrating in detail that behavior is only one dimension out of three that are relevant... Read More...