Collaborative Intelligence in Teams: The View from CDF

Starting in 2014, coach education at IDM shifted to team coaching. In this blog, the reader finds materials that form the basis of my collaboration with Jan De Visch on the book "Dynamic Collaboration: Strengthening Self-Organization and Collaborative Intelligence in Teams" of 2018. One of the basic tenets of this book -- that organizations comprise different team levels or 'We-Spaces' -- derives from my social-emotional Team Typology found in volume 1 of "Measuring Hidden Dimensions: The Art and Science of Fully Engaging Adults" (2005, chapter 10). Below, the reader encounters some of the seminal ideas presented in the form of sets of slides and texts, each of them briefly commented upon as to its main topic. *** Introduction to Team Coaching based on CDF (2014) In this short text, I outline the IDM team coaching program. Based on an introductory 'Gateway' course, the program focuses on two main types of coaching: social-emotional and cognitive. Certification is based on undertaking a case study. Team Coaching for Maturity: IDM Gateway (2014) In this set of slides, I introduce coaches to the CDF perspective on organizational teams. The slides emphasize that teams are developmentally mixed (comprise divergent levels of adult development) and, in terms... Read More...

Better Thinking in a Global World: Paying Homage to Roy Bhaskar

In this paper of 2011, I explain why the dominance of purely logical thinking is pernicious in its effect on life and work, including political life, since it has over the last 200 years become a discipline of control and thus no longer serves the purposes of enlightenment and understanding. I therefore propose to society members to learn a more complex kind of thinking to which I variously refer as 'transformational', 'deep', and 'dialectical'. (A manual for this kind of thinking, called the 'dialectical thought form manual', is found at under Publications.) The paper was written under the influence of Roy Bhaskar's work (which I was privileged to get to know in 2006): 'Dialectic: The pulse of freedom' (Verso 1993). Lamentably, while Roy's work has been adopted 'wholesale' by the integral community, his extraordinary work on dialectic has not been taken up since this community prefers to engage with purely logical thinking despite its pretending otherwise. The integral community privileges Bhaskar's visionary work on what he called the 'ARA' moments of dialectic to his work on 'MELD', the four moments of dialectic proper on which ARA is based. Bhaskar himself would have said that one cannot deal with ARA moments... Read More...

What Coaches Should Know About Their Clients

In these comments on my keynote read to the June 2015 EMCC conference in Warsaw, Poland, I summarize writings on  developmental coaching from my pen since 1999. I have taught this discipline to an international student body between the years of 2000 and 2015 at IDM, the Interdevelopmental Institute, and continue to practice what I have learned in this domain in work with teams and circles. Although some of my articles on developmental coaching have appeared in international journals, to this day (2018) the coaching profession -- especially ICF coaching -- has not absorbed the empirical findings from research in adult development that are the foundations of my practice of evidence-based developmental coaching. Developmental coaching in terms of the IDM Institute I founded in 2000 entails that of the two English meanings of the term development one is "agentic", and the other is "ontic". The first meaning is expressed by a sentence such as "we develop a new team", while the second is referred to in the sentence "this team is immature". In the first case, one is thinking of individuals' development in behavioristic terms, focusing on what outsiders do to support (horizontal) learning, while in the second one focuses... Read More...

Zur Durchdringung organisatorischer Beratung mit Einsichten aus CDF

In diesem Artikel fuehre ich im Einzelnen die Geschichte und die Eigenart des Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF) aus. Ich moechte zeigen wie insbesondere ein soziologischer Beratungsansatz wie New Deal  (Gucher 2015), aber auch aehnliche Beratungsvorgehen, durch Einsicht in die lebenslange Entwicklung von Menschen vertieft und im Dialog mit Kunden flexibel werden koennen. Der Nachdruck im Text liegt darauf, dass alle Dimensionen von Sozialkapital -- persoenliche Beziehungen, Emotionen, Aufmerksamkeit und Wissen -- in ihrer Bestehensweise und Verwendung entschieden von dem Reifegrad von Individuen und Teams abhaengen. Dies legt nahe, die auf New Deal beruhenden Interventionen durch sozial-emotionale und kognitive Werkzeuge aus CDF zu bereichern und dadurch zu staerken. Insbesondere erhoeht man durch CDF die Dialogfaehigkeit von Gruppen und Teams und staerkt das fuer eine kollaborative Arbeitsweise notwendige gegenseitige Vertrauen. Der Artikel behandelt sowohl wie man CDF durch Gruppenarbeit am Interdevelopmental Institute erlernt und wie man das erlangte Wissen in Kundenberatung und Coaching einfuehren kann. Anfragen ueber Lehrweise und Kosten der CDF Ausbildung zur dialogischen Beratung bitte an Otto Laske, [email protected], richten. Durchdringung des New Deal mit CDF Feb. 2018   Read More...

Introduction to “Dynamic Collaboration: How to Strengthen Self-Organization and Collaborative Intelligence in Teams” (Jan De Visch & Otto Laske 2018)

This blog gives readers access to the Introduction to Jan DeVisch's and my book entitled Dynamic Collaboration: How to strengthen self organization and collaborative intelligence in teams, to be launched in May 2018 at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. In this book of five chapters, we deviate from the extant team literature by adopting an adult-developmental perspective and instead of "skills", "competences", and "agile" mantras and tool kits focus on the structure and quality of team dialog as the source of self-organization both in individuals and teams. We equate self-organization with being mature enough to be aware of the structure of one's emotions and thoughts as an expression of the level of one's adult development. To provide senior managers with new ways of thinking about teams and new kinds of interventions derived therefrom, we show that teams are always developmentally mixed -- composed of different developmental levels -- and dependent upon how team majority relates to team minority, are prone to being either up- or downwardly divided, rather than unified. We put at the disposition of senior managers a large set of tools unknown to them that derive from adult-developmental research at Harvard's Kohlberg School since 1975, showing them how... Read More...


Invitación de reflexionar sobre el desarrollo adulto, por los coaches y consultores:  ;useraction=commit&mfid=1488977490044_97143ae8c8930#/checkout/login [Reconocer, despertar y medir el potencial Humano, par Otto Laske, IDM, 2005, traducido par Daniel Alvarez y Maria del Valle Garcia Bersabé, 2010] El desarrollo adulto esta basado en la diferencia entre YO y OTRO, abstracciones vividas de diferente manera dependiendo de los niveles de desarrollo. Lo que cambia a lo largo de la vida es la preparación del individuo para coordinar Yo y Otro en un camino incesantemente cambiante y fluido. Desde la etapa de dependencia de otros emerge la posion de auto-creation que es la primera vez en la que el Yo es experimentado como una abstraccion, mas precisamente como un sistema. Mas alla de esta etapa socio-emotional, Yo comienza a vincularse a “Otros” por rutina. Decimos que el individual se ha vuelto consciente de si mismo. Desarrollo Socio Emocional IDM 2016 Read More...