This blog contains a downloadable copy of Laske's Psy.D. dissertation of 1999 (2 volumes). The thesis was submitted to William James College, Newton, MA. Readers were Robert Kegan, Ph.D., of Harvard Graduate School of Education; Samual Moncata, Ph.D., of William James College, Newton, MA. (then called 'MA School of Professional Psychology'); and Tim Hall, Ph.D, of Boston University's Business School. The dissertation is a comprehensive social-emotional and cognitive study of 6 executives from the Boston, MA, area, the first of its kind. The dissertation comprises 2 parts: 1. volume 1 (5 chapters): methodology and findings 2. volume 2 (Appendices A to D, focused on the relationship of executive and adult development, and including interview data as well as coaching recommendations based on interview scoring outcomes). On this blog, a third part comprises the volumes' figures. In nuce, the dissertation undertakes to show the limitations of theories of executive development given their neglect of the 'vertical development' axis, both in its social-emotional and cognitive dimensions. It introduces the distinction between 'ontic' and 'agentic' development barely acted upon in organizations even today, as well as the issue of the linkage between the social-emotional and cognitive dimensions still unacknowledged in today's developmental research.... Read More...
Tag: Introduction
Einladung an deutsche Berater und Coach ihre berufliche Praxis höherzuschrauben
Warum nicht mit alten Vorurteilen brechen die aus der positivistischen Tradition stammen und alle im Flachland landen? Dazu ist im Zeitalter des distributed leadership mehr Anlass als je. Die alten Kompetenzschablonen sind tot, und nun wie weiter? Vielleicht hülfe es, sich zu erinnern dass Menschen sich ihr ganzes Leben lang entwickeln? Das würde auf die Erwahcsenenforschungen führen, die in diesem Buch von Otto Laske (übersetzt von Rainer v. Leoprechting 2010) dazu verwandt werden, neue Einsichten und Werkzeuge in die Weisen des Umgangs mit ‘human resources’ einzuführen. Das Buch zeigt die Stufen der lebenslangen Entwicklung der persönlichen Erfahrungen, die jeder in seiner Arbeit und seinem Leben macht, und die zu stets grösserer innerer Freiheit und Selbständigkeit führen. Das Buch gibt dazu neue Werkzeuge an die Hand und zeigt auch, wie man über die Verwandlung der Arbeit durch neue, z. B. holakratische Umgebunglen, nachdenken sollte. Humanpotenziale erkennen, wecken, und messen: Pay Pal Dazu Weiteres auf: Gateway auf deutsch Read More...
Effective Team Coaching: Juggling Personalities and Roles
Teams are usually viewed as "flat", disregarding that each of their members is active on a specific level of accountability associated with a specific universe of discourse. What team members are thinking and saying is thus not determined not only by their developmental size of person, but also by the size of their organizational role, and their understanding of the relationship between the two. A team coach or team leader who is disregarding this fact is going to be less effective that s(he) could be. In this webinar, Otto Laske outlines a typology of teams in which both team members' size of person and size of role receive due attention. Read More...
Invitation for the workshop “Rewiring Team Dynamics: Building Collective Intelligence”
Dear IDM Friend, May I invite you to attend the International Workshop on Rewiring Team Dynamics: Building Collective Intelligence in Mechelen (Belgium) from June 17th - June 19th . The way we work is changing. So is the nature of teamwork at all levels in the organization changing. The age of ‘command & control’ in teamwork is shifting towards a ‘collaborate & communicate’ approach. We all know that innovation and creativity mainly takes place in a collaborative context. Nevertheless teamwork remains for a lot of organizations a confounding mystery. Diversity is rarely used in the most effective way. Most of the team’s potential remains unlocked. Otto Laske and myself have developed an approach that reveals the principles by which we can unlock the potential of colleagues, that can release the creative potential of your organization. Building upon the Constructive Developmental Framework we have developed a set of tools both practical yet deep in wisdom. The Workshop ‘Rewiring Team Dynamics’ helps you practice ways by which to create collective intelligence and reveals the learnable art of thinking productively together. The workshop is based on a system of thought forms that help team members unravel their own resources for thinking in a... Read More...
Introduction to Cognitive Growth: a possible journey from age 25-100
In this short video I give listeners some examples of differences in phase of cognitive development individuals are typically in. My goal is to sensitize listeners to asking "where am I myself presently as to the structure of my thinking, and how does this determine the world I am seeing as real?" Read More...
Deutsche Einführung zu CDF
Dieses kurze Video hat den Sinn, Sie in den Konstruktiven Entwicklungsrahmen, CDF genannt, einzufuehren. Otto Laske zeigt, wie die CDF Dialogmethode und Denkmethode positiv zu Ihrer Arbeit im Coaching, der Psychotherapie, und der organisatorischen Beratung beitragen kann. Read More...